What’s New in Autologica | April 2024 

What’s New in Autologica | April 2024 

The latest update to Autologica Sky DMS includes the following improvements and new features.


Electronic Invoicing in Paraguay 

Dealerships in Paraguay can directly obtain authorization from their tax authority for invoices generated via Autologica Sky DMS, using GuruSoft’s eDOC product as an intermediary between the DMS and the SET for billing validation.  

Furthermore, recent updates include significant enhancements aimed at streamlining the invoicing process: 

  • Adjustments were made to the values of certain documents sent to the SET to mitigate issues related to pricing and discounts.   
  • The “Non-Taxpayer” VAT category was added to the existing ones (“Taxpayer with RUC” and “Exempt”).   
  • Improved information on related documents now encompasses both electronic and hard-copy invoices.   
  • Specific labels were incorporated into printed documents, such as details of the vehicle sold (VIN, color, etc.).   
  • The accuracy of discounts on parts and labor was adjusted (decimals).   
  • Users can now preview and print Invoices, Self-Invoices, Credit Notes, and Debit Notes, even before SET authorization.  

Fiscal Improvements in Bolivia 

A new feature has been developed in Autologica Sky DMS that enables dealerships in Bolivia to directly obtain the necessary information for the presentation of the VAT Book. 

This feature lets users obtain an Excel file containing information on VAT Sales receipts, VAT Purchases receipts, Sales receipts without CUF, Sales Credit Notes, Purchase Credit Notes, withheld taxes, and canceled sales receipts with amounts. 

This integration significantly improves the agility and efficiency of tax compliance procedures for Bolivian users. 

Enhancements to Toyota Parts Interface  

The Toyota parts sales report interface includes large customer sales, as well as debit and credit notes. 

In this update, fields were expanded from to include relevant information. 


