5 Key Reports for Daily Dealership Management 

This article will discuss key reports and indicators that can help managers analyze dealership performance and define strategies for improvement. This is part of the quest towards data-driven dealership management.


Customers Who Made or Didn’t Make Purchases Within a Date Range  

A common scenario is customers who stop bringing their vehicles to the dealership after their warranty expires, usually due to a lack of a continuous commercial relationship. Autologica generates reports based on the use of each vehicle (hours and kilometers) to calculate the best time to call and offer services.  

Benefit: Create call campaigns that improve retention rates and, above all, the sale of parts and services. 

Workshop Service Summary  

This report lets the Service Manager evaluate the workshop’s overall performance: 

  • Repair Orders and Jobs | shows how many jobs are associated with each repair order (RO). The ideal goal is to sell more than one job per RO. 
  • Hours per Repair Order | gives an estimate of the time consumed by each RO based on who is paying: internal, customer, or warranty. 
  • Amount of Jobs and Parts per RO.
  • Ratio of Jobs and Parts per RO. 

Lost Sales  

Do you know how many lost sales you have at each location? Autologica provides a report that details lost parts sales so that the Parts Manager can devise strategies to eliminate the most frequent causes.  
Benefit: A company that analyzes lost sales is constantly evolving in its sales approach, from the initial contact to closing the sale. 

Parts Purchases Pareto Report  

The Pareto Principle states that 80% of effects come from 20% of causes. In terms of parts sales, this means that a small group of parts, approximately 20%, generates 80% of sales.  

Benefit: Identify the 20% that drives the most sales to focus management on these key parts.  

Recommendations: Analyzing this report allows you to:  

  • Discover parts with high inventory and low sales.  
  • Create promotions with low/medium cost parts, high stock, and low demand.  
  • Contact customers who have bought specific high-cost parts that have high stock and low demand. 
  • Prevent purchases of high/medium stock parts with low demand. 
  • Detect parts that should be declared obsolete. 

Days in Stock (Vehicle Aging)  

One of the major problems in vehicle management is stock immobilization, which results in tied-up capital and additional costs for insurance and storage. Autologica provides a list of vehicles or machinery in stock, ordered by age, highlighting those with the longest inventory time.  

Benefit: Accessing the aging of vehicles allows you to know the average number of days they remain in stock, both globally and specifically for each unit, as well as identifying the units least demanded by customers.  

Recommendation: Establish policies to promote older vehicles in stock and avoid prolonged immobilization. 


The information provided by a DMS is essential to know what to improve, who should drive the change, and how to analyze the impact of each decision. In addition to optimizing daily operations, a DMS can be a promoter of profitable strategic management for the business.