What’s New in Autologica | 2023 August

The latest Autologica Sky DMS update includes improvements and features to enhance tasks in every dealership department.


Advanced Search in 360-Degree Customer View 

Apply specific search criteria to quickly find customers and suppliers. 

Expand the criteria to search for customers and suppliers more efficiently, by Tax Identification Number, ID, email, and by associated vehicle data: license plate, VIN, serial number. 

360-degree view is a web feature and is available for all dealerships that use the cloud version of Autologica Sky DMS. 

Reports in Multiple Currencies 

Autologica Sky DMS is now a multi-currency DMS that allows you to view reports in real time with the details of the corresponding currency. 

Cash, Bank and Current Account reports have been modified: 

  • Detailed income and expenses: grouped and totaled by currency. 
  • Securities portfolio at a date: the “CUIT Signatory” column was added and third-party checks are displayed according to currency. 
  • Credit card to a date: grouped and totaled by currency. 
  • Customer account summary: shows a detail of collections in foreign currency. 
  • Due dates calendar: the “Owed exchange difference” column was added. 

Autologica Sky DMS
The most complete DMS for vehicles dealerships. Learn how dealers improve their operations, monitor their business, and grow with our cloud-based DMS.
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Integration With CNH  

The CNH PRIM (Parts Retail Inventory Management) interface connects dealers with the OEM by sending and receiving important parts information. 

The integration streamlines comprehensive parts inventory management at the dealership, enabling appropriate order suggestions from the OEM, saving time and money. 

Available interfaces: 

  • Parts delivery notes 
  • Purchase orders 
  • Parts activity report 

