New Version of Business Intelligence for Vehicle Dealers

In April we announced the release of a new version of Autologica BI, a business intelligence application that lets dealership managers analyze data and monitor key performance indicators.

Based on the data in the DMS, Autologica BI collects, groups and displays the information in clear and simple control panels and charts, facilitating decision-making by dealership managers.

The new version includes a redesign of the Sales Panel, where managers can analyze information.

Autologica BI provides control panels with the main KPIs of each department, and analytical reports to know see the detailed information by drilling down and drilling up on each indicator.

Dealership managers can analyze sales information for each business unit: new and used vehicles, parts and services, as well as other business units they may have. All information can be seen consolidated or individualized by store.

Users can create customized reports. Autologica has formed a team of BI experts that can help dealership managers with data analysis and KPI setup.