DealerTablet Saves Us 2 Hours Per Day in the Workshop

We save 5 minutes in the reception of every vehicle. DealerTablet is an Autologica Sky DMS application that allows service advisors to receive vehicles on a tablet, in a dynamic, agile and efficient way. The inspection checklist is 100% configurable to suit each dealership, allowing them to include strategic questions to help increase sales.

DealerTablet is an Autologica Sky DMS application that allows service advisors to receive vehicles on a tablet, in a dynamic, agile and efficient way. The inspection checklist is 100% configurable to suit each dealership, allowing them to include strategic questions to help increase sales.

Rayco, an official Ford dealership, implemented the tool with the aim of streamlining a process that was previously done manually, and they recently shared their experience with us.

“In the Service Departments, the entire reception process used to be was done manually and on paper, and then we had to re-enter the information into the DMS. With DealerTablet we eliminated the manual work and improved the customer experience; the checklist is now digital, the customer signs directly on the tablet, and the repair order is automatically created in Autologica Sky DMS with all the information about the customer, vehicle and type of service.”

Joaquin Gerbaudo, Service Advisor at Rayco, official Ford dealer.

The result of implementing DealerTablet translated into savings of 2 hours per day in the workshop, time that can now be invested, for example, in campaigns to call customers with promotions or service suggestions; training; assistance to other areas, etc. But in addition to saving time and money, the adoption of this innovative tool improves the dealership’s image with customers.

“I believe that being able to receive customer vehicles with a tablet implies a better experience for the customer, who not only finds it appealing, but also perceives a more technological process in the workshop.”

Joaquin Gerbaudo, Service Advisor at Rayco, official Ford dealer.

