| Autologica Blog


9 Cybersecurity Tips for Your Dealership 

In an increasingly interconnected world, cybersecurity has become a matter of vital importance. Recent ransomware attacks that have affected large companies, demanding hefty payments to recover stolen data, remind us of the constant threat organizations face.


Electromobility and Challenges for Dealerships and Auto Service Workshops 

The automotive and energy sectors are currently experiencing one of the most significant transformations in history due to the increased presence of electric vehicles across all segments. This requires adaptation to new specializations and business models. 

KPI Strategies

Must-Read Reports for Successful Dealership Managers (Part 2)

Many dealership managers are already planning for the upcoming year, and it’s essential to determine which reports, indicators, and metrics will be crucial for achieving success in each department.

In this article, we review the key data Autologica suggests should be analyzed.


It’s Time to Move to the Cloud… Here’s Why 

When evaluating whether to host your DMS on in-house servers, or moving to a cloud-based solution, there are several factors that are not usually taken into account, and others that may be given too much prominence.