Autologica DMS September Update – Reserve Parts for Customers

We updated our dealer management system, which includes features designed to improve operations at the dealership and respond to industry needs. This are the most important features:

Reserve Parts for Customers

A customer can reserve parts so that these are not sold to other customers. If a part is out of stock and must be ordered, it can still be reserved. When the part arrives from suppliers, it will appear as “reserved” for that customer and will not appear in inventory as available (because it is reserved). This helps improve customer satisfaction by giving priority to customers who have reserved parts.

Improvements to the Expense Reimbursement Process

We’ve made improvements in the expense voucher process (that allows the dealer to advance cash to an employee for minor expenses) to better control and trace these transactions.

Improvements to the Payment Authorization Process

Now authorized users can reopen vouchers if they need to correct an error, without affecting the payment authorization process.

The payment authorization feature of Autologica DMS allows the dealer to create a payment authorization scheme such that payments below a certain threshold can be made without authorization, while those that exceed it require approval. In the latter case, an email is sent to the authorizing party.