Autologica DMS March Update

Here are some of the new features included in the March 2020 release of Autologica DMS.

Weighted Average Cost

You can now indicate the cost of parts at their weighted average cost.

Assign Importation Costs Individually

Expenses originated in the importation can be assigned individually to certain parts and vehicles. You can also indicate if certain expenses are applied to the FOB or CIF value of the product. This allow the correct allocation of costs, with their corresponding impact on the margins of each product, and the calculation of individual importation factors.

Don’t Forget These Important Features

Trade-insGenerate trade-in receipts from the sales order at the same time the invoice is generated. Save time and make sure the overall transaction is correctly calculated. Manuals and modelsAssociate basic service rate manuals to the right models so that when creating a repair order the list of jobs to be performed corresponds to the model.
Pending partsWhen ordering parts from a supplier, for each part in the order you can see: if there are pending parts to customers or from suppliers; part activity; if the part was sold in the last 12 months.

This helps you avoid unnecessary orders.

Multiple collections in one receiptAfter creating a receipt and choosing the type of account, the correct current accounts (parts, services, etc.) can be indicated.

