5 Reasons to Implement Business Intelligence in the Dealership 

All of the data that the dealership generates is just one click away… but if management does nothing with that information, you will be leaving money on the table. Why make that mistake?

Autologica BI is a tool that transforms enormous amounts of dealership data into clear, manageable, reliable and comprehensive information that includes KPIs, departmental goals, and business trends.  

Here Are Five Top Reasons to Start Using BI in the Dealership. 

1 | Reliable Dealership Status  

If the principal must request information from another person in order to have an overview of the business, we are already facing a problem. In the best case, each manager will generate reports, cross-reference them, compare them against reports from other areas, prepare conclusions, write the email, attach the report, and send it… how much time was lost? How reliable is the information if it requires manual labor behind it? 

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Autologica BI helps eliminate intermediaries between the information and its receptor. A principal or CEO only has to open Autologica BI to have up-to-date, understandable and complete information. 

“Before Autologica BI, we had to prepare spreadsheets with customer, sales, parts, and equipment data, and then create dynamic filters, dynamic charts, to start viewing the reports, etc. Now we go to BI and with one click see all the information. We save up to half an hour per report.” 

Andrés Parra y Cia., official John Deere Dealer. 

2 | Take Advantage of the Full Potential of the Customer Portfolio 

It’s a mistake to thing that a customer, after buying a vehicle, will return each time to the same dealership to buy parts or service their car. The retention rate after the warranty expires is low, and yet the potential of this customer portfolio is in the hundreds of thousand of dollars if not millions. 

Sales potential

240,349 USD

Information collected from Autologica BI clients

To fully leverage this potential, Autologica BI analyzes and presents information so that the sales team can detect opportunities and carry out commercial actions. From day one, dealership managers can obtain a list of customers who should be buying parts or performing services in order to call them and make sales that would otherwise be lost to the competition. 

3 | Define Goals for Each Department and See If They’re Met 

Managers need to constantly measure the main performance indicators: leads, sales, billing, delinquency, efficiency and productivity, etc.

To facilitate this task, Autologica BI lets managers define goals that can be viewed in the dashboard, and see any deviations. 

4 | Save Immense Amounts of Time Preparing Information 

When the hours invested in a repetitive and manual task are calculated in money, the need for automation and optimize become clear. Each hour spent on an avoidable task is an hour that could be used on more strategic tasks. Autologica BI reduces unnecessary time spent on report creation to zero. 

Time Saving

5 days/month

Information collected from Autologica BI clients

“The remarkable thing about having implemented Autologica BI is that we no longer have to manually assemble reports and there are no delays due to lack of data updates. It used to take me 90 minutes to assemble each dashboard… now it only takes me 15 minutes”. 

Remonda Castro, official John Deere dealer 

5 | Predict Outcomes and Prepare for Future Events 

One advantage of using analysis tools is that they help you make the best decisions by letting you analyze the past, act on the present, and predict future behavior. 

By analyzing the fluctuation of a KPI over time, patterns can be identified. For example, if in May of the last three years there were sales peaks, it can be assumed that in May of this year it will happen again. Also, by looking at sales history, we can ensure that we have adequate inventory for what is expected in future periods. 

Autologica BI helps you organize your information, make better decisions, and sell more by intelligently using the data you have but are not using. 

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