360-Degree View of Customers and Suppliers

Access all customer and supplier information within the DMS, on a single screen and with just two clicks.

The 360 Degree view of customers and suppliers is available for all dealerships using the cloud version of Autologica Sky DMS.

Through this platform, you can search for customers and suppliers, view contact information, make modifications, create new entries, change credit limits, and perform other actions.

Instant Benefits

  • Intuitive.
  • Lets you view all customer and supplier information without navigating between modules.
  • Faster creation and editing of customers and suppliers.
  • The entire DMS will be as intuitive and modern as the new features that will be progressively released.

The Power of the Bricks

Within each customer profile, in addition, to contact details, there are blocks of data called “bricks” that display key information which can be easily accessed and rearranged.

Advanced Search in 360-Degree Customer View 

Apply specific search criteria to quickly find customers and suppliers. 

Expand the criteria to search for customers and suppliers more efficiently, by Tax Identification Number, ID, email, and by associated vehicle data: license plate, VIN, serial number. 

360-degree view is a web feature and is available for all dealerships that use the cloud version of Autologica Sky DMS. 

Available Bricks Include:

  • Balance and sales for each account type.
  • Repair order history.
  • Owned vehicles.
  • Pending parts.
  • Recent orders.
  • Leads and opportunities assigned in the CRM.
  • And more.