Quick Alerts: the Functionality Most Deployed by Dealerships

The Quick Alerts module from Autologica Sky DMS lets you configure events that trigger emails to customers and suppliers with key information, such as invoices, vouchers, reports, etc. This was the feature most deployed by dealers, mainly because it automates repetitive tasks and saves hours of valuable staff time every month.

Quick Alerts includes over 40 customizable alerts that help optimize the dealership’s communications. These are the top ten most used alerts:

1. Send Customer Account Statements

Automatically email customers their account in local and foreign currency, for the current or previous month.

2. Send Invoices to Customers

Every time your customers make a purchase at the dealership, they will automatically receive an email with the sales vouchers attached.

3. Notify Customers of Due Invoices

This alert sends reminders to customers of invoices that will soon be due. You can send an email a certain number of days before the due date.

4. Parts Without Stock

This internal alert informs the Parts Manager of parts that are out of stock in the warehouse, store or entire dealership, taking into account pending transfers.

5. Pending Parts Now in Stock

This internal alert is useful when there are back orders to customers. When these parts arrive at the dealership and are in stock, the Sales Manager will receive an email to reserve these parts and contact the customer.

6. Parts Removed From Inventory That Have Not Been Invoiced

This alert sends an email to management when it detects parts that were removed from inventory and have not been invoiced after a certain number of days. The email includes a report.

7. Payment Vouchers Pending Authorization

This alert sends an email with the payment authorization request, and attaches the voucher to be authorized. It only informs the authorizations that have not been informed.

8. Interfaces Not Run in the Past N Days

This alert is triggered when the DMS detects that there is an interface that was not run when it should have been.

For example, the system will send an email to the Parts Manager if more than 10 days have elapsed from the last parts price update. If price updates are performed normally no alerts will be triggered.

9. Notify Suppliers of Payments

Through this alert, you can notify suppliers that there is a payment awaiting pickup.

10. Unmade After-Sales Calls

If the system detects that there is an after-sales call scheduled in the CRM and the call has not been made on time, this alert sends an email to the responsible party so they may decide how to proceed.

To learn more about our Quick Alerts module and Autologica DMS, you can contact us and request more information or a demo by completing the following form.