The Benefits of a DMS That Provides Reliable Information

Norte Rodados S.A. is an official Ford Truck dealer that was born as a family business in 2004, and that today has a strong presence in the Argentinian provinces of Corrientes, Chaco, Formosa, and Misiones. Since 2006 they have chosen Autologica Sky DMS as their dealer management system to accompany them in their quest to achieve their business goals. 

Norte Rodados S.A. is an official Ford Truck dealer that was born as a family business in 2004, and that today has a strong presence in the Argentinian provinces of Corrientes, Chaco, Formosa, and Misiones. Since 2006 they have chosen Autologica Sky DMS as their dealer management system to accompany them in their quest to achieve their business goals. 

We spoke with Viviana Müller, who works in the administrative department of Norte Rodados, about the benefits that Autologica Sky DMS offers for her daily work, which requires making use of the information generated by the DMS. 

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“The system works perfectly and that gives me peace of mind because I can trust the information it offers. In addition, it is a very secure system, which is useful.” 

Viviana Müller, Norte Rodados S.A.

One of the advantages of Sky DMS that Viviana indicates is that it helps us avoid missing steps in key processes.”For example, in Misiones we are tax perception agents and before generating an invoice, the DMS notifies us if there is a perception so that we do not miss it, or notifies us if we failed to check or uncheck any option.”  

Reliable Information  

One of the strengths of Sky the DMS is the variety of reports available, which allows managers to have a reliable picture of what is happening in each department. Viviana explained to us that the reports she uses most are: 

  • Payment due dates for customers and suppliers. This report is key to organizing pending payments and having contact details at hand. 
  • Technician performance. We upload purchased hours every day, noon breaks, time cards, and how much time was spent on each job. 
  • Parts sales by type, counter, and workshop. This information is necessary to be able to define sales actions and make key decisions in the department. 
  • Detailed sales orders. Essential information for the Sales Manager. 

Regarding the Accounting module, the part odf the system she uses most in her role, Viviana highlighted that the information is reliable and the module is very user-friendly; “The information can be easily manipulated and worked on by allowing it to be exported in Excel, for example.” 

