Autologica Roadmap

Roadmap of upcoming developments on the road to a 100% web-based DMS

We are very excited about some new features that we have been working on, and that we believe will be of interest to you. 

As you may know, the current version of Autologica Sky DMS is already cloud-based. We are now moving towards a 100% web-based DMS that will have the same power as the current system, but will be faster, easier to use, and with fewer windows. 

The key highlights of the transition are: 

  • The current DMS and the web-based version coexist. 
  • New web features are being progressively released and can be leveraged without reimplementing anything. 
  • All the information you currently have remains in the web-based DMS. There is no need to enter data twice. 
  • Several new web features such as 360-degree customer view, 360-degree supplier view, 360-degree parts view, and Repair Order Progress have already been launched. 

In the context of these changes, Autologica Analytics will be one of the most significant milestones. 

With the aim of facilitating strategic decision-making for principals and managers, we have added a fully integrated layer of analytics to the DMS, that is easily accessible. This will allow you to view key business indicators from anywhere in the world without having to be a data expert. In this brief video, you can see what it will look like: 

Our journey towards a 100% web-based DMS continues. As always, your questions and comments are welcome. 

