Why Use Business Intelligence?

Why Use Business Intelligence?

Business Intelligence is a concept that is on everyone’s lips: it’s new, It’s a must-have, it’s a game changer… Many companies invest in expensive products with the expectation of magically solving problems and improving processes … however, like any tool, you have to know how to use it to take advantage of it.

What exactly is BI? There are millions of data in a company, and trying to find meaning in them by creating complex spreadsheets is difficult and consumes countless hours. A Business Intelligence application compiles the data in the dealership’s DMS, arranges it, composes charts, presents them in an orderly manner, and helps managers reach conclusions.

In a nutshell, BI sets the stage for each manager to analyze business information, apply filters and drill down if they wants to see the details, observe trends, and draw strategic conclusions.

BI provides business conclusions, while the spreadsheet only shows data that is meaningless without further massaging by an advanced spreadsheet user.

Sitting in front of a Business Intelligence application lets you:

  • Detect trends
  • View KPIs for each department, and compare them with dealership goals
  • Find problems in processes
  • Save time on report preparation
  • Predict results
  • Measure staff productivity and performance

In a context where customers have changed the way they shop, where competition has grown and OEMs have increased their demands for quality, BI can help you understand the business and create strategies to increase sales and profitability.


To learn more about the Autologica BI application for Autologica DMS, please request a demo.

