How to Measure and Avoid Lost Sales at the Dealership 

Lost sales are a tough pill to swallow. But here's the truth: they happen, and they can hit your bottom line. However, instead of dwelling on the "what ifs," why not try to take control of the situation? In this article we will show you how to measure and prevent lost sales while supercharging your efficiency. 

Lost sales are like potholes on the road. You can’t eliminate them entirely, but you can dodge most of them with the right strategies. Think of your DMS (Dealer Management System) as your trusty GPS. It doesn’t just help you find your way; it also guides you around these sales pitfalls. 

So, what typically leads to lost sales? One example: a potential buyer walks onto your lot, excited about a new car. They’re greeted with indifference, left to wander aimlessly, and receive zero personalized attention. Chances are, they’ll shift into reverse and explore other options. That’s a lost sale right there. 

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But wait, there’s more! If you don’t effectively communicate the value of your products and services, it’s like trying to sell a sports car with a missing engine. Your pricing and availability should be crystal clear – customers don’t have time to decipher cryptic quotes. 

And let’s not forget the drag of slow response times or a team of undertrained salespeople. Imagine you’re at a pit stop during a race, and your pit crew is fumbling with the tires. Frustrating, right? Customers feel the same way when they’re left waiting. 

Here’s the good news: you can track these speed bumps with your DMS. 

But not all lost sales are the same. Some may slow you down momentarily, while others can have long term effects. Losing a sale because of a high price or limited availability is one thing, but losing a sale due to a terrible customer experience is far worse. 

So, where to begin? Start by measuring. Identify the exact reasons behind each lost sale, and then implement targeted solutions. Do you train your sales team to be product experts? Do you give them the tools to understand each customer’s needs? Do you create a seamless customer experience? Check for repetitive issues. 

And don’t stop there. Make sure your customers understand the value of your products and services. Do you effectively communicate the advantages of original parts, of services performed by expert technicians, the safety features of a particular model? Do you tackle the pricing issue head-on? Do you create responsive channels for customer queries?  

In this fast-paced race, developing a habit of measurement, choosing the right tools (like Autologica Sky DMS), and keeping your focus on the customer are the keys to transforming today’s losses into tomorrow’s victories.