Autologica Overview | 2020

Throughout 2020 we added new features to our DMS and other dealer applications to help our clients better manage their dealerships.

See the highlights of each month:


Pre-Shipments for Parts Importers

Parts importers can segment parts orders into several partial deliveries as the OEM ships them. In this way, the dealer can anticipate the total of undelivered parts, which is essential information for the DMS’s parts order suggestion feature.

Value Vehicle Inventory in Foreign Currency

The Account Vehicle Inventory report was modified so it can reconstruct the amounts of the informed vehicles in foreign currency. These changes allow for vehicle stock valuation in foreign currency, as well as in your local currency.


Vehicle Returns to Workshop

This feature defines a repair order as “returned to workshop”, if the customer returns within a range of days or kilometers since their last visit. The range is defined by the dealer. This helps dealers focus on the causes of these returns, in order to improve customer service.

Tracker CRM | Performance Reports

To facilitate the analysis of the sales team’s performance, Tracker CRM’s mains screen now has a Reports tab with the following reports:

  • Performance summary
  • Opportunities sold by quantity, amount and conversion
  • Missed opportunities by quantity, amount and conversion
  • Missed opportunities grouped by motive


Weighted Average Cost

You can now indicate the cost of parts at their weighted average cost.

Assign Importation Costs Individually

Expenses originated in the importation can be assigned individually to certain parts and vehicles. You can also indicate if certain expenses are applied to the FOB or CIF value of the product. This allow the correct allocation of costs, with their corresponding impact on the margins of each product, and the calculation of individual importation factors.


Quick Alert: Sales Orders With Balance Whose Vehicles Were Delivered

A new alert was created that allows to quickly control situations where the unit has been delivered to the customer, without the customer having completed the entire operation. A report is sent by email to the person in charge of controlling, indicating the sales requests with outstanding balances in order to monitor this situation.


RO Progress :A Real-Time View of What’s Happening in the Workshop

RO Progress is a web-based application that allows the Service Manager to see in real time how each repair order is progressing, and the Workshop Manager to drag and drop ROs, and quickly assign jobs to technicians.


Improvements for Importers

You can now differentiate purchase expenses to determine those that were incurred abroad, and thus calculate the landed cost correctly.

Also, the «Reconditioning costs and related amounts» report has been modified in order to:

  • Show amounts in local and foreign currency
  • Calculate landed cost taking into account not only shipment expenses but also related expenses
  • Detail the values of the purchase invoices related to the vehicles. This allows you to know their total cost, which originates from the purchase value plus the additional expenses.
  • Separate importation expenses from other related expenses, such as vehicle reconditioning.


New Process to Generate Purchase Orders and Request Vehicles from the OEM

This new feature allows for a more dynamic preparation of vehicle purchase orders for the OEM. By selecting each of the models, their different colors (exterior and interior), and the quantity to order, you can automatically create both the purchase orders and the vehicles in Autologica. Each vehicle is generated with its purchase order number (with a predefined structure), allowing you to track each vehicle until it arrives at the dealership.


Favorite Actions in the Sales Agents Module

If your dealership works with the Sales Agents module, your sales agents can now see the Favorite Actions keypad. This configurable keypad lets users define all the actions that are part of a process and simplify them in a workflow. Users can then proceed from one step to the next without having to remember the process.


Appoint365 and DealerTablet | Message for Alerts

There is a new link between the customer information in Autologica DMS, Appoint365, and DealerTablet. When receiving a vehicle or scheduling an appointment, customer preferences are shown so that the Service Advisor can better serve the customer. For example, a customer may prefer to keep parts that have been replaced during a service.

Autologica BI | Shared Reports

With Autologica BI you can now share reports you’ve created with your co-workers, so that they can modify them, copy them to build their own reports, or simply analyze them.

Autologica BI | Share report. This innovation allows for standardized reports in each dealership department, collaborative working on documents, and the creation of goal-setting templates.


More Controls in Payment Authorizations

The payment authorization feature in Autologica DMS now includes these steps:

  • Control and accept items
  • Control and accept invoice
  • Control and authorize a set of invoices to be paid
  • Authorization of the payment order

Tracker CRM | Manage Customer Complaints

You can now manage customer complaints with Tracker CRM. Whenever a complaint is detected, create an issue in Tracker and assign it to a specific dealership employee, who can then contact the customer and resolve their problem.


Automatically Register the Cost of Third-Party Jobs in the RO

When closing a repair order, you can automatically assign the costs of third-party jobs. This information will be taken from the purchase orders or the purchase invoices from third parties, avoiding manual entry. This saves time and prevent human error.

We’ve also added a new control when assigning third-party jobs to a repair order, to verify that the price is made up of the cost of the related purchase order or invoice plus a markup percentage.

Tracker CRM | Speed Up the Parts Sales Process

When you close a parts sale in Tracker CRM, you can choose if the prices are in local or foreign currency. This improves the sales process because the transaction that is automatically created in Autologica DMS will be ready to invoice without additional changes.